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Terms and Conditions



​Booking and contract


By booking a service on the website the customer accepts these terms and conditions. After booking, the customer will receive a written confirmation by email from Fjord Cruise AS. The contract only becomes binding on receipt of this written confirmation. Third parties have no authority or authorisation from Fjord Cruise AS to make any agreements or promises that change or go beyond the terms of the contract or the services. Third parties include the partners appointed by Fjord Cruise AS.





All cruises must be paid in full by the time of booking. Payment methods accepted are credit cards and debit cards.  





For cancellations received up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure, no cancellation fee will be charged. For cancellations received less than 24 hours before the scheduled departure date, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged.






The contractual services result from the specifications by Fjord Cruise AS. These are available online for each booked service. The description of services can change from the booking date to the event date without Fjord Cruise AS being obliged to inform you thereof. Fjord Cruise AS will of course inform you of important changes if possible. Depending on the season or the day of the week, it may be that different versions of the same cruise are offered - a cruise can be performed differently in winter and summer. The captain may deviate from the intended routes and duration of the cruise due to the weather or other conditions that can not be influenced by Fjord Cruise AS. Additional agreements to the contract or the services are possible, but must be confirmed in writing by Fjord Cruise AS. If individual services are omitted, the entire contract amount is nevertheless due. Fjord Cruise AS will try to provide a suitable replacement in advance or on the event date. However, no claims can be made in this regard.






In consideration for you being permitted to participate on a cruise organized by Fjord Cruise AS you agree to the following waiver and release:


General release 


You acknowledge that there are inherent risks, hazards, and dangers associated with the cruise, for anyone, which can not be eliminated. You understand that these risks, hazards, and dangers include without limitation: (a) physical exertion; (b) personal injury; (c) death; and (d) property damage or loss. You agree that if you suffer injury or illness, Fjord Cruise AS can, at your cost, arrange any medical treatment and emergency evacuation service as it or they deem necessary for your health and safety. Further, you agree at all times during the cruise, to abide by and comply with any additional instructions given by the ships crew or any other representative of Fjord Cruise AS, and you accept that non-compliance may result in injury, death or permanent disability.




Weather and safety concerns​


You understand and agree that Fjord Cruise AS is not responsible for inclement weather. You further understand that as a result of inclement weather, safety concerns, or other unforeseen issues, cruises or other activities may be rescheduled and, or cancelled in the sole discretion of Fjord Cruise AS.


In the winter months, it can happen that the sea freezes in the innermost part of the fjord where there is a lot of fresh water mixed with the sea water, brackish water. If there is so much ice that there is no safe passage for boats, the captain will then choose an alternative route in this area. This is beyond our control and it does not give grounds for claiming a refund for the trip. We will always do our best to give our customers great experiences, even on days when the forces of nature are not easy to handle.




Responsibility for children


If children, who are in your custody or control, are taken on the cruise, you acknowledge and agree that you shall be fully responsible for their conduct and entertainment. You understand that no representative of Fjord Cruise AS , other guests or activity providers will be held responsible for their conduct or entertainment.




Food and beverage 


Fjord Cruise AS is not responsible for any food allergies or food-borne illness resulting from food or beverages provided, or food or beverages consumed while participating on the cruise. Guests are responsible for their own health and determining whether a particular food is safe to consume. You understand the risks, hazards, and dangers as described above and have had the opportunity to discuss them with Fjord Cruise AS . You understand your own responsibilities and you participate on the cruise of your own free will, and with full knowledge of the inherent risks, hazards, and dangers involved and hereby assume and accept any and all risks involved.


You, your heirs, successors, executors, and subrogees, hereby knowingly and intentionally waive and release, indemnify and hold harmless Fjord Cruise AS, including their heirs, successors, assigns, directors, officers, members, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, liabilities, suits and expenses which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with your participation on the cruise, including but not limited to, negligence of any kind, whether foreseen or unforeseen, arising directly or indirectly out of any damage, loss, injury, paralysis, or death to you or your property as a result of your engaging on a cruise, whether such results from negligence of Fjord Cruise AS, or from any other cause. You, your heirs, your successors, executors, and subrogees, further agree not to sue Fjord Cruise AS or those associated with Fjord Cruise AS as a result of any injury, loss, or death suffered in connection with your use and participation on the cruise organized by Fjord Cruise AS.




Severability clause


Should individual parts of the contract or the general terms and conditions be declared ineffective or omitted for any reason, the contract and the general terms and conditions shall still be effective and shall not be cancelled.





Fjord Cruise AS - Januar 26 - 2023

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